#25DaysOfML to the Moon

Rohan Kumawat
3 min readJun 18, 2021



What is #25DaysOfML?

#25DaysOfML is a Twitter Campaign started by Vedant Bahel to foster discussion and development in Machine Learning. Everyone is welcome to this campaign. It started on 24th May 2021 and ended on 17th June 2021, where many people joined it and shared their everyday journey on Twitter.

25DaysOfML Twitter Campaign


I already started #66daysofdata two days ago when the challenge came into my Twitter feed. This campaign is similar to the #66daysofdata initiative, but it also focuses on a similar situation. I’m currently on Round 2 of the #66daysofdata journey. For those who don’t know about this initiative, read my blog on it:

One might ask that when one challenge was already going on, why did I start with something similar to it? I would be lying if I won’t say that I wanted to a part of the Artificial Intelligence community. I joined Twitter to have my community of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, etc. It’s going great so far, and I now know people who are also on this journey. I met some fantastic people while exploring the #25DaysOfML challenge. I came to know what others are doing in this field and added things to my list to learn about them in the future. Vedant hosted a Twitter Space where we all talked about our journey and ways to go-ahead for the rest of the days.


Here’s a list of all the things I learned and reviewed again:

  1. Basics of Natural Language Processing.
  2. Tokenization.
  3. Stemming and Lemmatization.
  4. Stop words.
  5. Bag-of-words and TF-IDF.
  6. Word2Vec.
  7. Encoders — Decoders.
  8. Sequence-2-Sequence.
  9. RNN.
  10. Transformers.
  11. Attention and Self-Attention Models.
  12. BERT.

After few a days, I thought that why shouldn’t I start writing blogs on all of the things I have learnt so far. So, I started writing blogs regularly and here’s a list of all the blogs that I published on Medium:

  1. 66 Days of Data: It’s not about perfection.
  2. Natural Language Processing Series (From Introduction to TF-IDF).
  3. Machine Learning Explain Like I’m 5.
  4. Linear Regression.
  5. KMeans.
  6. Decision Trees.
  7. Logistic Regression.

So is this campaign over? No, this campaign is not over, and these campaigns never get over. So whosoever wants to try this should start with this campaign. All you’ve to do is learn or revise something on that particular day and tweet in the evening or night about your day.

Why should you do it?

Come, join and be a part of this exciting community and learn every day. This campaign will not only improve your communications, but it will also make a habit inside you of being consistent and regular. Even if you fear that you might give up, I encourage you to at least give it a try. If you read the #66daysofdata blog, you would have read that I failed twice while learning every day, and it was all about studying at least 5 minutes a day. There are a lot of benefits that you might enjoy while going through this process. If it’s your first or second, or third time, it doesn’t need to perfect.

If you are starting or are in the middle of your Data Science journey, please DM me over Twitter or LinkedIn for your go-to accountability guy.



Rohan Kumawat

Technology Enthusiast | Data Science | Artificial Intelligence | Books | Productivity | Blockchain